Learn to Live Project
Helping Young Women Establish AÂ Livelihood
Our project helps raise funds through various initiatives, and we’d love for you to get involved with the Learn to Live Project. We depend on your support in order to help young women establish a livelihood for themselves. Join us today to learn all about donating options.
About the project
The goal of this project is to raise money to sponsor the education for 71 nursing students in the Sanjeevan Society for Youth Development. (SSYD)
What is SSYD?
A vocational nursing school for underprivileged students in Goa, India
For students in the 11th and 12th grade
Their parents’ average annual income ranges from about 36,000 to 50,000 rupees ($565 to $785 /year)
Cost of the course is 10,000 rupees ($160/yr) but this is subsidized to approximately 1000 rupees ($15/year) as the girls cannot afford this amount
Because of the disparity between the actual cost of the course and the tuition, the school is in need of donations!
Many of the girls who do complete the nursing course are immediately employed as home nurses.
As nurses, they are able to support their families with their monthly salary of 20,000 rupees ($314), four times the amount their parents earn per month!
Food sales:
Krispy Kreme Donut Sales
Cookie/Samosa sale
Indian food sale
Club Fair
Fundraising updates
Stay Up To Date With Us
New total
June 23, 2019
Hello everyone!
Good news:
We have currently raised $12,680 and have gone beyond our $10,000 goal. With this amount of money, we have sponsored one year of education for the entire student body of 71 girls. I want to thank everyone who has helped us reach our goal. To our donors, club members, and Carrollton students and faculty who have helped us accomplish this, we are eternally grateful. Thank you all for your generosity and altruism. Without your help, this would have never been possible. Please keep a lookout for pictures of the final presentation of the check to the organization!
Current funds:
$5250.00 check already delivered
$3,504 check already delivered
$433.00 through donut sale 3/26/19
$402.00 through Indian food sale 4/10/19
$3095.00 through donations
Presentation of final check of $3,865.00
January 4, 2020
On January 4, 2020, I presented the Sanjeevan Society for Youth Development with a final check of $3,865.00. In total, the Learn to Live Club has raised $12,680.00 for the organization through various fundraisers and donations. This amount will sponsor one year of education for the entire student body of 71 students and the extension of the organization's building complex. Pictures from the presentation of the check are shown above. The Learn to Live Club members would like to personally thank all our supporters for contributing to our cause.
$5,250 check presentation
June 18, 2018
On June 18, I presented a $5,250.00 check to Sanjeevan Society for Youth Development. Three local Goan newspapers documented the event as shown in the picture. We were able to raise this money by hosting 6 Krispy Kreme donut sales around our school and by collecting donations. With this amount of money, we can provide 35 students with a year of education in the nursing school. We want to personally thank everyone who contributed to this cause. Without your generosity and altruism, we would have never been able to collect this money.
$3,500 check presentation
January 4, 2019
On January 4, 2019, I presented a $3,500 check to the nursing school. With this amount of money, we have raised 8570 out of our 10,000 dollar goal. This is enough money to help sponsor one year of education for 60 girls. This money was obtained through donations. On behalf of Learn to Live, we sincerely thank our latest donors. Without your generosity and altruism, none of this would have been possible.
Above are some pictures from the presentation of the check.
How many students are currently enrolled into the school?
There are 38 students in the 11th grade and 33 students in the 12th grade. 49 students have already graduated from the Higher Secondary School. With this enrollment, about 60 families have been financially supported through their children’s learning in this school, which results in immediate employment.
What is the cost of this course for one student?
The tuition for students is 1000 rupees per year, which is equated to 16 dollars per year. However, the management of the Sanjeevan Higher Secondary School must pay about 10,000 rupees per student per year, which is about 157 dollars per year. The Higher Secondary School has never rejected anyone based on a lack of financial funds to pay for tuition.
What is the average income of the parents of these students?
About 5000 rupees per month, which is about 79 dollars per month. The average income per year ranges from about 36,000 to 50,000 rupees per year. This is equated to 565 to 785 dollars per year.
What will our donations be used for?
The money would go directly to the institution. The funds would help pay for the tuition costs, teachers’ salary, electricity bills, technology including computers, books, and bus fees. The organization is also trying to raise money to extend their building complex to create larger classrooms.
What kinds of courses does the school offer?
For 11th standard Health Care Science:
Communication Skills
General Foundation course
Fundamentals of Nursing -1
Community Health Nursing -1
Maternity and Child Health -1
Anatomy Physiology and Microbiology
For 12th standard Health Care Science:
Communication Skills
General Foundation course
Fundamentals of Nursing -II
Community Health Nursing -II
Maternity and Child Health-II
Psychology, Mental Hygiene, Mental Diseases & Sociology
How many teachers work at the school?
There are 3 teachers for the nursing courses and 2 teachers for communication skills.
What would happen if these girls did not attend this school? How does the life of a girl who attends this school differ from one that does not?
Many of these girls who do not attend this school would try to obtain jobs in the arts, but would probably not be able to get a job. With this Higher Secondary School, there is a 100% employment rate. These students can find jobs in government and private hospitals around Goa.
Many of these girls who do take the course end up working as home nurses in which they are able to support their families with their monthly salary of 20,000 rupees per month. (314 dollars)
Presentation of $5,250.00 check in Goan Newspapers
June 18, 2018
Carrollton School of the Sacred Heart Facebook
June 30, 2018
Carrollton School of the Sacred Heart Facebook post
January 4, 2020
Meet the Team
Khushi Saigal
My name is Khushi Saigal. I am currently a freshman at Cornell University and the President and Founder of the Learn to Live Project. The primary purpose of the project is to promote youth development. Currently, we are raising money for a vocational nursing school in Ponda, Goa, India called Sanjeevan Society for Youth Development. I visited the organization in December 2017, and I admire their initiatives. Our goal is to continue to raise money for the organization to sponsor the education of these nursing students. We would be extremely grateful if you could help us with this initiative and donate to this organization.
Lili Houlihan
Lili Houlihan is a freshman at the College of the Holy Cross and the vice president of the Learn to Live Project. Lili has been a truly valued member of the Learn to Live Project since we started fundraising in 2017. As the vice president of the project, Lili helps organize club meetings and helps organize and promote all of the fundraising sales.
Learn to Live Club
The Learn to Live Club is a student club based in Carrollton school whose mission is to promote youth development and to help adolescents establish livelihoods by fundraising for SSYD. The club has been an instrumental part in this fundraising project. Club members help organize and promote all of the fundraising sales.
Below is a list of past and current Learn to Live Club Members. We are extremely grateful for their hard work, dedication, and constant support.
Carmen Alia-Arias
Andrea Bravo
Ava Cefalo
Adrianna Diaz
Nina Gallinar
Gabriela Garity
Natalie Giustini
Ana Sofia Gomez Rivas-Vazquez
Carolina Gomez Rivas-Vazquez
Dibe Di Gregorio
Caitlin Hepburn
Lili Houlihan
Amber Johnson
Maria Joseph
Sabine Meurs
Virginia de Ovin-Berenguer
Carolina Perez
Isabella Romero
Eva Maria De Ramon
Julia Sariol